“The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid was, by far, a better book than I was anticipating.
I already knew, based on the hype on TikTok that the book was good. But I wasn’t prepared for just HOW good this book would be.
The way Janet wove in the seven husbands, all while making Evelyn a real, beautiful, and broken woman, was astounding.
The heartbreaking element of who her main love really was was masterfully done and I have sat for days since finishing this book, thinking about the themes and characters.
Not many books have that ability, so when you find one, it’s a rare gem, indeed.
I am still amazed by this book.
The themes overall, touch on being true to yourself and going after your dreams.
While, it could be said that Evelyn went after her dreams (and to anyone else, be damned), she was an intense and powerful character, and one that put her ahead of her times in the era of her “life.”
Evelyn was loud, proud, and not above using others to get what she wanted.
But as her life went on, she could see the devastation this mentality was leaving behind. She vowed to alter her trajectory, and ultimately, the book came to a bitter-sweet ending.
In conclusion, “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” is a must-read for anyone who would like to read a romance tale that will keep your mind spinning. It’s emotionally charged and touches on so many topics relevant to today. Taylor Jenkins Reid is incredibly gifted and I can’t wait to read more of her works.